Ameli account

Have you created an ameli account? It's a secure personal area that makes everything health-related simpler!
This is an important year that has brought many changes to your social protection, meaning you can now manage it on your own. Here's how to get all of your reimbursements, and fast!
What is an Ameli account for?
This is a secure personal area that you can log in to from a computer, smartphone, or tablet to access all of the French health insurance system ("l'Assurance Maladie")'s online services. The ameli app is available on App Store and Google Play.
You can use it to:
• Check your health care reimbursements;
- Download your certificate of entitlement, which you can use if you don't have your health insurance card ("carte Vitale") on you;
- Order a French health insurance card ("carte Vitale") or report it as lost or stolen;
- Order a European health insurance card (EHIC);
- Update and manage your personal information (address, phone number, email address, banking information, etc.);
- Chat with amelibot (the French health insurance system's chatbot, which can answer all your questions and help you through your online paperwork, or email one of our caseworkers directly.
How do I create one?
To open an ameli account, you will need to have been issued with your permanent French Social Security number (NIR). You will then need to call 3646 (no surcharge) to get a temporary code by phone.
Once your account is open, you will be able to access all of our online services, which also means you can track the production of your French health insurance card (while you are waiting for your "Carte Vitale", you can download your certificate of entitlement as proof of membership in the French health insurance system to show to health care professionals, etc.)
Updating your contact information
Your (cell and/or landline) phone numbers, mailing address, banking information, email address, and more, all need to be up-to-date so that we can keep you current on all health-related matters. If we have your current information, "l'Assurance Maladie" can contact you directly to offer you a range of services that are in line with your needs.
If you are having trouble registering for French health insurance coverage, please call 3646 (no surcharge) Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. You can ask for an English-speaking phone representative who can set up an appointment for you.
Where to learn more and how to contact "l’Assurance Maladie" for information on news, entitlements and how to apply, reimbursements, and health.
Your ameli account to use all of the services available through your personal account.
The forum ameli for any general questions.
By calling 3646 (no surcharge) Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
In person, by going to your local health insurance fund (« CPAM »)
En accueil de la caisse d’assurance maladie de votre lieu de résidence