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Study in France webinar: UNLE

Le 14
  • Study in France Webinar: UNLE
    Campus France South Africa
  • UNLE ISite - Graduate Programmes
    UNLE Isite

Inscriptions terminées

Come and hear all about the graduate programmes offered at UNLE and how you can apply!

The University of Lille Nord Europe was established through a partnership of various higher education and research institutions and laboratories in Northern France. It has the label of excellence “Initiatives for Science, Innovation, Territories and Economy” (I-Site). The aim of the University of Lille Nord Europe is to become a major leading establishment, ranked among the top 50 universities in Europe within the next 10 years.

One of the initiatives that the University of Lille Nord Europe has launched is a set of 3 Graduate Programmes centered on different scientific challenges of our time, and aligned with the scientific concentration of local excellence.

These graduate programmes are offered 100% in English and are research-driven and cross-disciplinary. They include internships as well as a period to be spent abroad (outside of France)! The programmes are available for Master’s and PhD level. For more information about the graduate programmes, click here.


Topics to be covered


Graduate Programmes:

  • Precision Health
  • Science for a Changing Planet
  • Information & Knowledge Society

Application procedure



Wednesday, 14 April at 12:00

Zoom - Registration is essential!


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