Precious Mudau, Masters

From Johannesburg, South Africa
Precious is currently a Master’s scholarship holder from the Embassy of France in South Africa, awarded in 2020. She is just one of the students who were able to go to France for her studies, despite the global travel restrictions that were in place at the time.
My name is Colleen Precious Kelebogile MUDAU. I am currently doing my international Masters in Microbiology and Physicochemistry in Food and Wine at the University of Burgundy, Dijon France. I was born and bred in Johannesburg, South Africa. I did my Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Technology at the University of Venda. I chose the University of Burgundy because the University is in Burgundy, the world-known wine region and heart of wine, mustard and cheese.
The primary reason why I chose this program was to learn about wine from the wine specialists and this University is second-ranked in Food Science. This Master's will help consolidate my career. My long age passion is to become a PhD holder in microbiology in food and wine. Since South Africa is the only African country which produces wine from the international level, I will use this first-hand knowledge and experience to educate people more about wine.